Natural Readers
This site provides a platform in which you can copy and paste text to turn it into spoken text. It also has an option to convert it to Open Dyslexic font.
This site provides a platform in which you can copy and paste text to turn it into spoken text. It also has an option to convert it to Open Dyslexic font.
Zoo Academy
Social Emotional Games for Kindergarten and First Grade. The company, Centervention, also has sections for Grades 2-4 (ZooU), Grades 3-5 (SS GRIN), Middle School (Hall of Heroes) and Autism (Stories in Motion). For the 2019-2020 school year, the program has been free, and it looks like there will be a fee for next year.
Social Emotional Games for Kindergarten and First Grade. The company, Centervention, also has sections for Grades 2-4 (ZooU), Grades 3-5 (SS GRIN), Middle School (Hall of Heroes) and Autism (Stories in Motion). For the 2019-2020 school year, the program has been free, and it looks like there will be a fee for next year.